Dignified Disposal of the American Flag
It is an objective of The American Legion in general, and Tustin Post 227 in particular, to see that flags are properly disposed of when they are no longer worthy of being presented. There is an American Legion
ceremony to accomplish this and it is referred to as a “Dignified Disposal of Unserviceable Flags.”
We perform this ceremony each year for the public on Flag Day, June 14, between the Tustin Library and City Hall with only two flags to demonstrate The American Legion method. Later at the Fire Authority
on Jamboree we dispose of hundreds of flags each year using the same method.
If you have an unserviceable flag, or know someone who does, please give it to an American Legion member or drop it off at the Tustin Library or the Tustin Senior Center. Don’t let our nations’ beloved symbol wind up in a landfill.